Monday, September 28, 2009

Its Been A While...

August 28, 2009

The log book seems to be missing many entries. The last few things I was going through was Hell week and finals week. Yes, Hell week is not the same as finals week, because Hell week is when everyone must finish all their papers and all make up work before the finals, plus study for them. Finals themselves are really not that bad. Usually you only have one or two each day. Anywho, I did make it through both weeks and came out alright. The past summer we, me and my Fiancee, came up with our wedding date as of now we only have a little over 8 months to go. I still have 7 months of college left though. My families house did sale so no bankruptcy, and I worked all summer about 55 hours a week, plus a few weddings. Anywho, classes began again in August with tons and tons of work needing to be done. Our office was swamped with work to do for the new school year and many new faces. Our boss was entirely busy, the Office Manager was out for the entirety of it do to medical reasons. So, that left me and my fellow student worker to mostly head up our office, because we knew about all the events. We both worked overtime. I myself worked close to 52 hours the first two weeks of school, plus 16 hours of classes, and the normal stuff I have to do each week at home. It stayed busy until this week thank God.
This weekend though was great. I went to see my Fiancee for her birthday. My original gift for her was one of her favorite cartoon tv series, but then I realized Tuesday last week and even better gift. My Fiancee has enjoyed not being at Berry greatly, but the one downside is not having her friends around anymore. So, I went and bought a bunch of blank cards with a pretty picture on front that I knew she would like and appreciate, and went around to all her friends that were still here at Berry and had them each sign a card and write her a message. Unintentially, I ended up with 21 cards the exact number for the age she was turning! Perfect! The rest of the weekend went great as well. I tried out alcohol for the first time what we had tasted like childrens' nyquil. So much for the greatness of alcohol. (eyeroll)
There are several problems ahead to face though, missing my fiancee is one, papers is next, job and life after college last. What a list. Oye... I miss my Fiancee terrible... since she is not here anymore I don't get to be with her as much as I would like and I'm not one to make deep friendships easily, medium and low level friendships yes, deep Best Friend type not much. With her further away its like losing part of my mind, my psychy, just that piece you didn't know could exist apart from you. So, yes I miss her presence, my heart grows fondley for her, but I sure wish she was around. Life seems less complicated with her around. Anywho, papers... bleh! I'm getting sick of these things. I don't mind sitting in class discussing readings, listening to lectures, or just learning stuff from books, but papers I'm becoming to detest with a passion! These things are just draining my creativity as is work. I haven't even been able to write letters to my Fiancee on the account of lack of creative thoughts to draw from. The last problem is life after college. I don't know what to do here. I want to have a place before we get married, and a job. Each of which seems to be so far away, I pray God will point me in the right direction soon, because I'm lost at the moment. Its like I'm the first navigator and I look up at the stars and realize... hmm they all look worthy of being focus points... which one... which one... All these little points or places to go or points to follow and I don't know which to follow. I've given up one job idea just because I don't think its for me, it sounds great, but for some reason it just didn't seem right. I still need direction though. I don't know what else to say... I'm kind of sort of VERY TIRED. I ramble on sooner or later. Guten Nacht!


  1. Scott you can do it. That's all I can say. =)

  2. I miss you too, but the presents were wonderful. :)

    We'll be together again soon though. The direction part is harder though... I guess I have to just ask: Where do you feel led?
